Positive changes in patient Mr F. from Runkel/Dehrn, 55 years old. Left: image before treatment. Right: OCT image after completion of treatment.
We are pleased to inform you of positive news from our clinic. Mr F. came to us on 6 November 2023 with a diagnosis of vitreomacular traction syndrome and macular oedema. After two weeks of intensive treatment with eye acupuncture, infusions and physiotherapy, the patient has already seen significant improvements.
Mr F. already reported a noticeable change at the interim examination at the end of the first week of treatment. In the final consultation at the end of the two-week treatment period, he emphasised (quote):
The foggy vision became much clearer after approx. 4 days of treatment. The eye tests also showed a clearly positive change.
OCT images show a reduction in macular oedema
The OCT images before and after the treatment, in particular the image from 18 October 2023, document the original detachment and bubble at the location of the macula. In the last image after completion of the treatment, however, no bubble can be seen – the retina is perfectly attached again.
Taking nutritional supplements and targeted eye training to support the therapy
To support the success of the treatment in the long term, Mr F. received recommendations for nutritional supplements and special exercises for targeted eye muscle training. We would like to thank Mr F. for generously granting us access to the original documents of his medical examinations.
This positive development reinforces our conviction in the effectiveness of Integrated Eye Therapy according to Noll. We are willing to accompany patients on their way to sharp vision and are pleased with every individual progress of our patients.
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