A guest post by nutrition specialist Michael Dietz. He will report in regular sections something on the topic of nutrition on our news page and mainly takes a close look at our domestic fruit and vegetables.
We know that the asparagus season is coming to an end, but it comes back every year.

A little truth about asparagus

Many believe that asparagus is the ultimate in healthy eating. It is considered detoxifying, diuretic and even an aphrodisiac. Served with potatoes and drenched in hollandaise sauce, many imagine themselves in gourmet samadhi. The classic accompaniment is a ham roll and white wine is also served.

Let’s take a look at such a plate from an energetic point of view and that always means acids and bases. For those who are new to this topic, I recommend my book “The Chi Kitchen” where I describe the biochemical connections in a simple way.

The pH value and its significance

Briefly explained: Your blood has a pH value of 7.35 – 7.4 – this can be compared to a certain unit of electricity. This is needed to keep all bodily functions, especially the heart, running. This “current unit” remains constant because the body is very meticulous about this stability in the blood. Nature is designed in the “acid” range, which means that we often eat very low pH values without knowing it.

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The body, in turn, is forced to provide the necessary balance through the body’s own minerals (bases). It gets these from the connective tissue, skin, hair, teeth, etc. It is precisely this balancing regulation, which protects our primary system, that in the long run (over years) leads to gradual but constant mineral degradation and consequently to degeneration in the body.

The special role of asparagus in the nutrition for Macular Degeneration (AMD)

And here it comes…. Asparagus is one of the most acidic foods of all, directly followed by the potato. Did you know that a person with gout often gets a painful attack after eating asparagus?

The many purines in asparagus are buffered by the body’s own bases and the uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints. Now it is not a question of demonising asparagus and continuing to think in terms of good and bad, but of integrating the balancing principle.

My tip for a sensible approach during the asparagus season.

Click here for the recipe for an alternative sauce

  1. Before you eat asparagus, pay into your alkaline account with a vegetable broth.
  2. Replace the Hollandaise sauce with a vegan version (dairy products are another topic and go beyond the scope at this point).
  3. Do you know yucca? (also known as manioc or kasawa, available in Asian shops) Replace the potato with it. If you think that’s not from around here, do some research on where the potato came from.
  4. I won’t say anything about the ham. A glass of wine is fine, life should be a joy and food should be a pleasure. But enjoyment is only enjoyment if you don’t beat yourself up with food. With this in mind, get through the asparagus season well.

Click here for the recipe for an alternative Hollandaise sauce: https://kio-food.de


About The Author

Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Augenakupunktur Noll und EYKÄR. Staatlich geprüfte Heilpraktikerin und Absolventin der Heilpraktikerschule Dr. Jung in Kronberg (Taunus). Zertifizierte Akupunkteurin nach Prof. John Boel. --- Founder and managing director of Augenakupunktur Noll and EYKÄR. State-certified alternative practitioner and graduate of the Dr. Jung School of Alternative Practitioners in Kronberg (Taunus). Certified acupuncturist according to Prof. John Boel.

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