Increased glare sensitivity to is one of the possible Glaucoma symptoms

Increased glare sensitivity is one of the possible Glaucoma symptoms
Increased sensitivity to glare is a common sign of the presence of Glaucoma. It refers to an excessive sensitivity of the eyes to bright light.
This can cause people to have difficulty keeping their eyes open or seeing things clearly in bright light or direct sunlight.
Effects of increased glare sensitivity
People with increased glare sensitivity may feel that the light appears more glaring than normal and is uncomfortable for their eyes. Even in normal lighting conditions, they may have difficulty keeping their eyes open because they feel that the light is overstimulating their eyes.
This increased sensitivity to glare can have several effects. Sufferers might tend to squint their eyes frequently to reduce the light, or they might feel compelled to stay in shaded areas or wear sunglasses to reduce the glare.
Some people might also have problems indoors with bright light sources, such as bright lamps or glare from screens.
Accumulation of this Glaucoma symptom in angle-closure Glaucoma or acute Glaucoma attack
Glare sensitivity can occur in certain types of glaucoma, particularly angle-closure glaucoma or acute Glaucoma attack. In these cases, the increased intraocular pressure blocks the drainage of the eye fluid, causing a sudden increase in pressure.
This can lead to severe headaches, eye pain, nausea and vomiting, and dramatic deterioration of vision.
Increased sensitivity to glare can – but does not have to – be a Glaucoma symptom
It is important to note that increased glare sensitivity can also be caused by other eye diseases or even non-ophthalmic causes.
Therefore, it is advisable that people with this symptom consult an ophthalmologist immediately to determine the exact cause and initiate appropriate treatment.