Four Therapy Elements: Integrated Eye Therapy according to Noll at a Glance
Our eyes are passive organs. They are supplied with nutrients and oxygen by the body via the bloodstream. Waste and metabolic products are carried away in the same way. If these processes are blocked, this leads to pathological changes.
Nowadays, whenever the term “eye acupuncture” is used, it does not only refer to a plain acupuncture treatment. Eye acupuncture includes a comprehensive, naturopathic concept which, although acupuncture is the central procedure, should be combined with other complementary treatments. The positive effect of acupuncture is supported by physiotherapy.
The same applies to the improved supply of nutrients through individual infusion therapy.
The four Elements of Integrated Eye Therapy according to Noll
Through our long-standing experience we have constantly refined and expanded our treatment concept. The result: Integrated Eye Therapy.
We combine four elements: an exact anamnesis, the eye acupuncture according to Prof. Boel, individual infusions and specific physiotherapy.
1. Anamnesis
We spend a lot of time with you, taking your medical history and performing all the tests. This includes eye exams, manual neurological, orthopedic, and internal exams, as well as blood work.
2. Eye Acupuncture
The basis of our treatment is the proven method of Prof. Dr. Boel. The trigger points for the eyes are located on the forehead, the joints of the hands and feet, and the knees.
3. Infusion Therapy
Customized vitamin and mineral infusions provide your body with vital, healthy micronutrients.
4. Physiotherapy
Our experience has shown: Holistic physiotherapy also supports the eyes by harmonizing tissues, functions and organs.
What does a Treatment Procedure look like?
At the beginning of each treatment there is always a detailed consultation with eye acupuncture Noll. This anamnesis takes place with the expert for eye acupuncture and with the physiotherapist. Then, in collaboration with you, the patient, we plan the exact next steps of the treatment.
Generally speaking, an Integrated Eye Therapy according to Noll proceeds approximately as follows:
1. Anamnesis
Medical history and examinations (neurological, orthopedic, internal pressure and manual tapping tests, as well as an eye test and blood analysis)
2. Treatment plan
Preparation of an individualized treatment plan to optimize therapy for the patient. Laboratory values are taken into consideration.
The therapy is based on the eye acupuncture of Prof. John Boel. The physiotherapist also prepares the manual therapy treatment plan after evaluating the findings.
3. Intensive treatment week 1
The intensive phase lasts two weeks, during which the patient comes to the clinic every day except weekends. During the first week, the patient is treated daily.
During the first week, the therapy consists of five double acupuncture treatments according to Prof. John Boel, approximately two individually composed infusions and two physiotherapy sessions.
Treatments such as deep relaxation therapy and foot reflexology are also offered as needed.
4. Interim examination
The second eye exam is performed at the end of the first week to monitor the progress of therapy. If necessary, the treatment plan will be adjusted.
5. Intensive treatment week 2
During the second week of therapy, the patient is treated daily. As in the first week, the therapy consists of 5 double sessions of acupuncture according to Prof. John Boel, about 2 individually composed infusions and 2x physiotherapy.
Treatments such as deep relaxation therapy and foot reflexology are also offered as needed.
6. Final examination
On the last day of therapy, a final eye exam and consultation are performed. The success of the therapy is determined and a patient folder with individual treatment options for home use is provided.
Depending on the healing process, a follow-up treatment with acupuncture, infusions and physiotherapy is recommended every four to six weeks.