Do you have symptoms of age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?
The insidious thing about this eye disease: in the early stages of age-related Macular Degeneration, those affected have hardly any symptoms and very rarely experience pain. But recognising faces becomes more difficult or they experience vision problems when reading or driving.
A first indication that you are affected by age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is when image content is simply missing.
This means when nothing can be seen, especially in the centre of the visual field, in the central visual area. When reading, letters or words seem to be missing. Or you can see the outline of a person’s head, but not their face.
Straight lines, such as fences or house walls, appear bent or crooked. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or a close person, you should immediately take the Amsler grid test and have your eyes medically examined.
The five symptoms of Macular Degeneration at a glance
- Decrease in visual acuity, problems reading and recognising faces.
- Colours appear paler and run.
- Lack of image content – mainly in the central visual area.
- Straight lines and structures are perceived bent or curved.
- You need more light to recognise things and are quickly dazzled at the same time.
Approximately seven million people in Germany alone suffer from age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) occurs predominantly from the middle of the 50th year of life. In Germany, it is the main cause of visual impairment and blindness, accounting for 50% of all cases. (Source: Focus from 10.10.2018)
How is Macular Degeneration diagnosed?
If macular degeneration is suspected, the Amsler grid test provides initial information. You can carry out this simple test yourself using the so-called Amsler grid.
What exactly happens in the case of Macular Degeneration?
Macular degeneration is a disease of the retina. This structure belongs to the very complex and functionally intensive inner part of the eye. Here the visual cells convert the incoming light signals into nerve impulses.
This process consumes a great deal of energy and oxygen to ensure that it runs smoothly.
The vicious circle begins when the optic cells are not sufficiently supplied
At an advanced age or when the body’s own healing abilities are dysfunctional, the retina in the area of the so-called “yellow spot” is poorly supplied. This is also where the “point of sharpest vision” is located.
Impairments in this area initially lead to impaired vision with the loss of visual acuity in the central area of the visual field.
The formation of drusen is a symptom of Macular Degeneration
Due to the lack of oxygen and energy, the supply of the photoreceptors and the removal of metabolic products comes to stagnation. The deposits form so-called drusen, which impair the flow even more.
Untreated Macular Degeneration leads to the gradual decease of the cells and loss of central vision.